
12 Years A Slave - A Heavy Film with A Story That Finally Gets to Be Told

I am still reeling from seeing the masterpiece that is '12 Years A Slave', directed by Steve McQueen. What a film. This will stay in the hearts and souls of the audience for years to come. This film is based on the true story of Solomon Northup, a free man captured and sold into slavery. He remains a slave with harsh tales to tell for 12 years until he is reclaimed as a free man which is shown at the end of the film.

Although this was such a tragic, gut-wrenching story showcased on the big screen, it was sadly the brighter circumstance for a former slave of that time. McQueen does an excellent job at portraying the realism of life as a slave, in particular the shock of transition for Solomon who unlike the slaves around him, knows of life outside of this hell they have always been consigned to.

This adds to the tragedy this man goes through, trying to resist against the chains that hold him down, but gradually blends in with the structure of slavery in order to survive and hopefully, one day, truly live. Chiwetel plays his most important role in his career as Solomon and deserves an Oscar for his moving performance. Michael Fassbender is another deserved Oscar nominee for his portrayal of monstrous slave-owner Epps. 

He strikes terror within every scene he is in as the audience anticipates what he will do next. Epps particularly takes his swaying emotions out on young slave Patsey, played by newcomer Lupita Nyong'o. Lupita captures your heart from the moment she appears onscreen. Her character is so beautiful in her grace, poise and muster, standing up to Epps which leads to an appalling punishment that leaves the audience breathless. I truly felt that Fassbender, Chiwetel and Lupita came together in that scene, supporting one another making that cinematic moment so effective.

The score is also perfect, not overly used but haunting enough to stay with you. The whole film stays with you. There is so much I could speak about this film, but I cannot write forever. I have been waiting months to see this and I'm glad I finally got the chance. 12 Years A Slave is a film that I will never forget.

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